Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Introducing the 'Wednesday Why'

Since I've decided it's pretty much impossible for me to do a Wordless Wednesday, I've decided to do a Wednesday Why... in which I answer a 'why' question. Why? Because 'why' is a doubleyou word that doubles as a question. A question seeks an answerer with an answer, and an answer requires words. I like words. Therefore, a 'Wednesday Why' is a much better fit for me. So... without further ado... today's Wednesday Why question is...

"Why was today such a good day?"



1. I checked the mail for the first time in 51687354 days (notthatmanydays) and was pleasantly surprised. BACKSTORY: We have a post office box and often go days without checking it. Dad is usually the one who remembers to go, so when he is out of town (note:heiscurrentlyoutoftown) we forget to go. However, as previously mentioned, I decided to stop by the box today. This is what I found...

5 of the 8 pieces (Idon'treallyknowhowmanypiecestherewere) of mail were for me!!! A graduation card from some awesome ward members, an official invite to Brooke's BFA show, and three missionary letters! YEEESS. I love me some mail. I guess not checking every day pays off when letters/cards/invitations stack up and allow for a post office box extravaganza!

2. After hitting up the post office, I stopped in at the library because something I had put on hold had come in. Much to my surprise, this little guy was waiting for me...
I've been DYING to read this book since I found out it was going to be made into a movie, but there were 64687435 holds (notthatmanybutalot) on it at the library, so I ended up seeing the movie first. I was like number 250 on the list, so I figured it would take a year to get a copy. Not so! I'll be sure to let y'all know how it is. 

3. Date night with mom! Mom and I haven't been able to spend a lot of time together this week so far because of our work schedules, so with dad out of town, we decided to have a dinner-movie night. We went to Firehouse Subs (Best. Sandwiches. Ever. Seriously) and then to the dollar movies to see Just Go With It. Super funny. Totally worth the buck. 

And that, my friends, is a 'Wednesday Why'. Now for a chocolatey baby:

... because for any of you NOT having a great day, what better cure for sorrow is there than a chocolate covered baby? (that sounds strangely cannibalistic) 

Happy Wednesday.

Soon to come:

- Graduating from College and a long-awaited return to Fillmore City

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Word-full Wednesday: It Must Be Official...

Because my new t-shirt says so!
-spoils from my graduation preparation
 morning in Provo with mom-

I mean, what good is it to be a BYU Alumna if you don't have an item of clothing that declares it to be so?! 

NOTE- I'm mildly annoyed that my tassel places me in the Class of 2011 when I clearly graduated in 2010. grr. At least it is white and not brown (No Offense Brooke) 

Thursday, April 7, 2011

A New Lou (An unusual, but incredible fairy tale of renovation)

Once upon a time, in a land not so far away, there lived a loo. Named Lou.
Lou was just an ordinary loo residing in a fairly ordinary space. He was generally content with his surroundings, however, he sometimes dreamed of something greater.

It wasn't that he was unappreciated-no-his space was frequented often by three somewhat burly fellows who visited regularly
but despite their handsome and clean cut appearances, they habitually left all within the space feeling grimy and unattractive, including Lou.

 Occasionally, a beautiful young maiden would stop in to brush her teeth, use the mirror, or to scatter bottles, lotions and all sorts of beauty products across the counter, but she never stayed very long and didn't dare to enter the shower, fearing what the men may have left behind. Instead, she chose to journey to one of the other bathrooms in the house. Lou often wondered if his room would ever be beautiful and clean enough for her to feel comfortable using.

Years passed, and the three gentlemen and lady all traveled far, leaving Lou feeling alone and mostly abandoned. He grew to hate his ugly surroundings--the bland walls, the floor, half linoleum and half carpet (whoever thought carpet in a bathroom was a good idea must have had a few screws loose), and the dreadful shower, boxed in by water-stained glass doors. Although he feared he would never be acceptable enough to have visitors again, Lou tried to maintain a pleasant and positive attitude. He made friends with the creatures who passed through, and often held sing-a-long parties

One day, the maiden returned! Lou was so happy to see her again, but still constantly worried that his space wouldn't be beautiful enough for her... but the girl had an idea...

With the help of her insanely talented and creative mother and a few supplies, she would fix up the bathroom! Together, they removed Lou from his long-time home and began to renovate. First, they tore up the unsightly carpet and linoleum, replacing it with shiny new tile. 

Next, they painted over the bland walls with a vibrant new color...

When that was finished, they replaced all of the old fixtures--light switch covers, towel rods, drawer and cupboard knobs--and even replaced the unpleasant glass shower doors with a shower rod and a bright new shower curtain.

Lou watched all of this from the hallway where he had been carefully placed out of the way, becoming more and more excited with each new step of the process and patiently waiting for the glorious day when he would be able to return to his improved home. When that day finally game, he beamed as he took in his new surroundings...

- new curtain, towels, and towel rod-

-shower curtain-

-NOTE: I am proud to say that the counter has remained clean and clear of any
beauty product clutter since this project was completed... mostly thanks to the wall fixtures for my 
blow dryer/straightener as well as THIS sweet little addition...

... Removable drawers for easy access to all the junk I use, AND it holds extra towels... genius-

Everything was bright, shiny and new! Lou finally had a home he could be proud of and looked forward to spending endless days in the company of the beautiful maiden from now on, fully expecting to live happily ever after.

... at least until the boys return. 

The End.