Thursday, May 12, 2011

Stephanie At the Dentist

I've always hated the dentist. (Not the nice man, himself... I've had pretty ok dentists over the years) REPHRASE: I've always hated going to the dentist. Mostly because the hygienist would judge me for not flossing, and then as punishment for not flossing, She would play a little game called 'how bad can we make Stephanie's gums bleed by jamming floss up in there.' (NOT a fun game) Anyway, I digress. The point is, I don't hate the dentist anymore. I actually don't mind going at all. Perhaps I just grew up and accepted that it was going to happen every 6 months whether I wanted it to or not, or possibly this dentist's office is 31687354368 times better than any of the others. 

Until today. 

I had to go in this morning to have a cavity filled (my first in probably 6 years. No joke.) Naturally, I was a little nervous. It had been a while and I couldn't remember what to expect, but I was surprisingly ok not only with going back into the office for a second time this month, but also with an 8 am appointment. (I know, right?)

So... they take me back, and the hygienist asks me if I'd like to watch tv while they worked on me. 

me: Sure!

her: What channel would you prefer?

me: Oh, anything is fine. I'm hardly ever up this early so I don't even know what's on.

her: 2? 4? 5?

me: Let's go with 2.

BAD DECISION, STEPHANIE. You'll never guess that the guest on The Early Show this morning was none other than:

 our beloved President (or something), Obama-rama. So here I am, at the DENTIST, at 8 in the morning, watching OBAMA... on mute. (It gets worse) 

-Note: I think his public speaking skills are lacking. He has an awkward cadence and seems to stumble over his words a lot of the time. I realize not everyone will agree, but I don't enjoy hearing him speak. Or watching him speak while muted.

Dr. Dentist then comes in and sticks a big needle in my gums. Multiple times. As he does so, you'll never guess what is playing on the radio... none other than my favorite cat-faced artist (sarcasm... minus the cat-face part. That's true)

Taylor Swift. (For anyone who doesn't know, I'm like the anti-fan of Taylor Swift. She looks like a malnourished cat, and she sings hella whiny songs)

RECAP: I was at the DENTIST... at 8 in the MORNING... watching OBAMA on mute... and listening to TAYLOR SWIFT whine on the radio... with a big NEEDLE being shoved into my gums. 

To top it all off, I was able to feel much of the drilling despite the best efforts of my friend, Novocaine.

Luckily, the drilling only lasted like 2 minutes, and I was out the door on my way home within 30. I still like this dentist and his office. They are super efficient and friendly. After all, it isn't really their fault that I chose channel 2, or that Obama is even more obnoxious when muted and dubbed over with a cat-faced celebrity singing whiny teenage songs... and I could have said something about the drilling, but it wasn't that bad. 

...but I AM really glad it's over. See you in October, Dr. Dentist. 

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